Bart Lunenburg © 2025                                                               
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The Shelter Series

The Shelter Series is an ongoing multidisciplinary research into the construction, demolition and restoration and reconstruction of Medieval architectural heritage.

In the work, I seek to combine the history of architecture with the history of weaving and textile, related to Gottfried Semper’s idea how the hanging weaving work functions as the prototype for the wall in architecture.

In Dwarslangsdwars, for example, I have brought together the rhythm of warp and weft in the construction of a weave, with the rhythm of ‘long houses’ and ‘transverse houses’ in the construction of medieval inner cities (a house type that is determined by the direction of the ridge beam relative to from the street side). In the installation, these wooden ‘truss constructions’ of medieval houses are superimposed horizontally and vertically. They encapsulate each other and grow over each other as scaled-up layers. The core of this sculpture consists of a charred model that forms ‘the memory’ of the construction, as it were. In this way, the work is not only about horizontal and vertical construction as in a weave, but also about the cycle of construction and demolition of houses under the influence of city fires, remediation, reconstruction and renovation of architectural heritage.

Geweven Geraamte (2020) was part of the exhibition manifestation WEEF
 Museum Flehite / Mariënhof, Amersfoort (NL)
03.10.20 - 22.11.20

The Shelter Series was presented at Prospects - Mondriaan Fonds toont Talent
Art Rotterdam 2021, VanNellefabriek, Rotterdam
01.07.21 - 04.07.21

Related works: 
A House with Two Shadows (2020-2021), Geweven Geraamte (2020), Dwarslangsdwars (2020)

Geschiedenis en losse draadjes - Bart Lunenburg bij WEEF
by: Marjolein Sponselee (In Dutch)