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Guidelines, 2024
Photographic series and sculptural installation

Photographic series
Archival inkjet print mounted on 1mm aluminum, framed in solid plane wood frame,
Art glass UV 70%

Plečnik’s promenades in Ljubljana are flanked by trees that grow quickly after planting and take on an elongated shape, such as plane and poplar. These ‘green columns’, just like the classical columns that the architect preferred to incorporate in almost all of his designs, enforce the historical sight lines designed by Plečnik. At the same time, Plečnik used the same trees to hide buildings that did not fit into his Gesamtkunstwerk Ljubljana - and which the municipality did not allow him to demolish – from the public eye. For example, the architect had a row of poplars planted right around the Church of St. James on Levstikov trg Square, designed by the same architect Jeblinger, in an attempt to camouflage it out of sight .

This formed the basis for Guidelines (2024), an installation in which I play with camouflage, concealment, shadow, and overlapping elements and in which poplar and plane wood constructions merge into their own and each other's shadow. The abstract sculptural constructions are derived from Plečnik's wooden drawing tools, and are made of wood from tree species that are in good favor to the architect. I find it interesting to consider how drawing, building, and creating can contain a certain degree of aggression. Considering the fact that a building always occupies space, means that it also contains the power to hide something else from our view.

Guidelines (2024) was part of the solo exhibition 
To Decide Where the Shadow Falls, Plečnik House, Ljubljana (SI)
18.10.24 - 26.01.25

Annotations, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana (SI)
24.10.24 - 21.12.24